Global Issues - Code to Learn
Coding skills provide opportunities for learners of all ages to be innovative which ultimately leads them to become empowered creators and innovators. As a fundamental computational thinking skill, coding is becoming necessary in the workforce. K-12 students’ proficiency in STEM is essential for preparing them for careers in rapidly growing sectors in our economy and perhaps in fields that may not yet exist.
As you embark on this coding journey with your students, it is hoped that you and your students will experience the powerful and deep connections to critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, character, and citizenship.
As you embark on this coding journey with your students, it is hoped that you and your students will experience the powerful and deep connections to critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, character, and citizenship.
This video starts by describing both the layout and the basic functionality of the Scratch coding environment. It goes on to create a simple code to draw a square using motion, pen, and control blocks.
Your codes can be made more streamlined and efficient by placing repeated blocks/actions inside a loop. This video shows you how
When you have several codes that do the same general thing but with different values, it is often possible to create a single code, using variables and operators, that will work in any event much like a formula.
This video shows how you might solicit numerical input from a user and assign that value to a variable.
This video shows how you might incorporate variables more fully in your codes.
This video shows you how you might build your code to ensure that desired actions only occur under conditions that you define.
This video shows you how to create nested events (e.g., a loop inside a loop) to increase the efficiency of your code.
This video details a scaffolding framework that can be used with students to ensure that learning and engagement remain high will keeping frustration low.