Getting Started in HRE2O Christ and CultureThe Grade 10 Christ and Culture course invites and challenges the adolescent to personalize the Gospel values and social justice principles that guide Catholics in understanding their role in shaping culture as disciples of Jesus.
This resource has been created by educators for educators to assist with students for whom reading and language pose significant difficulties. The goal is to serve diverse learners in a language heavy curriculum. There are a series of lessons that include assessment for and of learning in each of the five categories: Scripture, Profession of Faith, Christian Moral Development, Prayer and Sacramental Life and Family Life. |
EOCCC RetreatThe EOCCC annual retreat was recently held on November 25-26, 2024 at the Glen House Resort in Gananoque Ontario.
Visit our EOCCC Retreat page to view the slideshow from our event. |
Check out the Fall edition of the EOCCC Echo for more information about what's going on, upcoming events, and our newest resources.